
Thursday, May 20, 2021

Social studies (the great pacific patch)

 In social studies we are learning about the great pacific patch, which is a big ass island made of plastic rusbbish. one thin g I've learnt is that if we don't find a solution to this plastic problem there will be more plastic in the sea then fish.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Metals and oxygen

 Aim: to make a metal oxide and observe the difference in properties of the product compared to the reactants

Equipment a piece of magnesium, bunsen buner, saftey glasses, metal scissor tongs


1. light your bunsen buner

2. hold your piece of magnesium in the scissor tongs. ensure that you are holding onto the very tip of the magnesium

3. place the other end of the magnesium into the bunsen buner flames ( at the top of the blue flame)

4. whe the magnesium begins to burn, do not look directly at it, as the light emitted can permanently damages your eyes.

Results: it made a big bright light

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Corrosion science yr10

 Aim: To investigate the factors that cause rusting in iron

Equipment: Four test tubes, test tube rack, a bung, four iron nails, boiled water, tap water, salty water, cooking oil, calcium cholride


1. label four test tubes A - D and place a test tube rack

2. test tube contents 

A iron nail and tap water

B Iron nail and salty water

C Iron nail, water, oil 

D Iron nail, calciuim chloride

E  Nail, wrapped in tin foil 

F nail polish